Lions Clubs Members
- Help your community and gain valuable skills
- Make an impact on people's lives – locally and internationally
- Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization
- Network with business people in your community and around the world
- Energize your life and have fun
- You'll grow personally and professionally. And you'll know that what you do is worthwhile and appreciated.
Lions are groups of service-minded men and women who are interested in improving their communities. We are young people, families and Baby Boomers alike. To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in your community and a friend to people in need.
Reasons To Become A Lion
How To Become A Lion
To become a Lion, you must be of legal majority, good moral character and good reputation in your community. Membership is by invitation. If you're interested in being invited to join the Burlington CT Lions Club, please fill out the Prospective Member Form and send to the following address:
Burlington Connecticut Lions Club
P.O Box 1173
Burlington, CT 06013
For more information please email us Membership Information